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March 2022 Petitions




By Who?

Ask the UK government to take decisive climate action

The clock is ticking on our chance to stop climate breakdown.

Climate breakdown is already intensifying hurricanes, fires and droughts around the world, while causing increased flooding and heatwaves in the UK.

Friends of Earth

The 50 Nobelists' appeal: spend less on the military, more on human welfare!

In December 2021, over fifty Nobel laureates and presidents of learned societies signed an appeal for a "Global Peace Dividend".

Taking stock of the accelerating global arms race, they proposed that all member states of the United Nations negotiate a common 2% reduction of their yearly military expenditure. They also suggested that one-half of the resources saved by this reduction be allocated to a global fund to fight against climate change, pandemics, and extreme poverty.

The Global Peace Dividend Initiative

Stand Up for Real Climate Action

To create the biggest public outcry possible, we're joining together with more than 25 like-minded organizations to show the collective strength of our Voice for the Planet and create the biggest collective demand for climate action we have yet seen.

The Nature Conservancy

Climate Action Initiative

Polling clearly demonstrates that the majority of Australian voters – no matter what their political views are - want stronger action on climate change.

Strong, meaningful action requires:

  • A commitment to cut Australia's pollution by at least 25% by 2020, our fair share

  • A price and a limit on carbon emissions that can achieve stronger pollution cuts

  • A commitment to move Australia beyond coal and gas by shifting investment away from fossil fuels to more renewable energy

We demand that our government respects the science and aims higher on climate. We're asking for strong, meaningful climate action, which is in the national and global interest.



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