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Resources: Instagram Accounts You Should Be Following

Writer's picture: Eirini SampsonEirini Sampson

At a time where social media has been a massive tool for global connection, wy not engage with the climate-change discourse from your phone? Here are our recommendations on some informative accounts to add to your following list.

It is definitely easy to get lost in the information and it may be a challenge to find informative, well-researched accounts that provide diverse perspectives on fighting climate change. Despite the myriad of misinformation that is out there, we have combed through the 'environmentally-friendly' side of Instagram to give you a full guide of accounts that you may follow to diversify your home page and your daily scrolling.

On Sustainable Living

@act.low.waste: based in Greece, Anastasia runs her account in ethical alternatives and leading a low-waste lifestyle.

@zerowayoflife: based in Greece, Konstantina who shares her journey on living a zero-waste lifestyle.

@syd_stainable: based in the U, Sydney is an environmental science student focusing on sustainable living.

@chloehelenmiles: on "buying less and styling more."

On Fast-Fashion

@ajabarber: they are the author of the book "Consumed: the need for collective change: colonialism, climate change, and consumerism."

@venetialamanna: fair fashion campaigner and cost of the All The Small Things podcast.

@fashionforgood: a global innovation platform and the world's first museum for sustainable fashion.

@ssustainably_: fair fashion campaigner - she shares what she is learning about the fashion industry.

@thatcurlytop: a sustainable fashion activist living in California who shares #ReWearThat on loving what you wear.

On Climate Politics

@earthbyhelena: she works on climate policy and her page focuses on making climate, politics and social justice content widely available.

@jessicakleczka: she is a climate justice activist and writer.

@theragcrew: on climate change, biodiversity and human rights, they are a collective of activists, artists and academics.

On Climate Justice

@mikaelaloach: they are one of the claimants at the Paid to Pollute case heard before the High Court between 6 and 8 of December.

@greengirlleah: founder of the intersectional environmentalist (below), she is a climate optimist, writer and eco-communicator.

@treesnpeace: climate justice activist.

@greendreamerkamea: host of the Green Dreamer Podcast: they explore sustainability through the lens of deep ecology and decolonial thought-in-progress.

On Climate Information

@intersectionalenvironmentalist: a climate justice community resource hub centring BIPOC and historically excluded voices.

@independentclimate: on the latest news on the climate and environment crisis.

@futureearth: a community and online platform seeking to inspire meaningful engagement with the climate crisis through education on social media.

Bottom Line

Engaging in the climate and sustainability discourse takes a lot of learning and re-learning. Increasing this engagement through social media has become a core of today's society, therefore, finding thoroughly-researched accounts who promote this becomes an essential part of our sustainability journey. There is a lot of information out there, yet as social media activism is expanding, we see the rise of expertise readily available at our finger tips.

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